Saturday, 16 May 2015

Removing Unwanted Whitespace in a String in Python 3

I have written a simple chatbot program in Python 3 where the user enters a comment and the bot responds. After offering it to family to play with I discovered that they would often put whitespace in front of the sentence or after. For example:

'  How are you?     '  or  'How are you? '
The problem is that when I send this to the file to search for the match response. It comes up without a match because the string is saved as:
 'How are you?'
As you can see this has no spaces before or after. The single quotation marks. So when I run the search with it comes up with nothing and I don't really want to add unessessary lists with spaces just in case the program receives sloppy input.

It turns our that the solution is quite simple. Python provides two simple tools to remove extra white space before and after the sentence or even duplicate spaces between words in a string.

In the first function, remove_whitespace_either_side, we use the variable.strip() method. This method essentially strips the white space from either side of the sentence in the string.

But what happens if your program user is a bit of a typing numpty and manages to put extra white spaces between the works? For example:
' I am     a typing                   numpty!'
As you can see, the first function cannot deal with this.

This is where the second function, remove_any_duplicated_white_space , is so useful. This function uses two methods forming " ".join(variable.spit()). Here, we split all the words into individual strings and then join them back together into one string with a single space between each.

You can see the result of each in the code above.

Looking at the quality of input I have been getting for my chatbot I think I will be using the second function.

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